Federico II University – Naples
The Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production of the University of Naples (Italy) and Alessandro Cuomo collaborate in the RATIONAL project (improvement of functional characteristics and shelf life of food deriving from innovative techniques of buffalo breeding).
This collaboration has been developed as part of a national project funded by the EU and the Italian government and deals with the development of innovative technologies regarding the transformation / maturation of male and female buffalo meat. In this context, the Cuomo method is experimentally applied and scientifically validated by a university research team, in order to verify its compatibility with the highest national and international standards of food quality and safety.

IRTA – Spain
The Institute for Agriculture, Food Research and Technology (IRTA), belonging to the Government of Catalonia (Spain) has launched a research program related to the Cuomo Method on the maturation of meat.
As part of this collaboration, Cuomo’s method is designed to promote the transmission of scientific discoveries in the agri-food sector and used for experimental purposes.
Leeds City College (UK) and Californian State University (US)
Creation of an exclusive national professional training network for the production of typical Italian salami. Here Dr. Alessandro Cuomo intervenes as a Project Manager and Lead Professional Course. The Leeds City College courses are based on “Fermentation processes for the production of salami and cured meats”.
Federcarni, National Butchers Federation
The bond of esteem and collaboration between Alessandro Cuomo and Federcarni has been going on for many years. The federation makes use of the advice of Dr. Cuomo as an expert on the processing of meat-based foods and together they cooperate to preserve the small meat shops. In 2015, Cuomo took part as a speaker at the Federcarni Convention in Catania, ” Proper and balanced nutrition”, as Certified Expert for International Food Security.

Auchan Italia avails itself of Dr. Alessandro Cuomo’s advice as an expert in food safety and for the ad hoc creation and validation of its processes of production of processed meat with a patented device and method.

Gremi Carnissers of Barcelona
The operators of the meat sector of Spain, have decided to specialize in accordance with the European directives with the Cuomo Method.Butchers, restaurateurs, producers and breeders together in the halls of the Gremi Carnissers of Barcelona (the federation of butchers of Catalonia) to be introduced to a new way to mature meat: in a safe, genuine, legal and more than ever profitable way.
Eataly e La Granda
Consultations and courses of high training on maturation and the meats matured with the method he patented and applied to the patented Maturmeat® machinery. An advice that has lasted for years and that increasingly contributes to the spread of knowledge of the organoleptic properties typical of the meat matured with this patented method.

International Master Class for Traditional Salami
Dr. Alessandro Cuomo, Director of the Academy, as well as Auditor in International Systems of Management and Food Safety ISO 22000 is a lecturer of the International Master Class, the high-level training course organized by the Accademia Italia Stagionello® which forms ” Traditional Italian food Supply Chain Manager “. The Master’s course, in English, welcomes participants from all over the world at each edition.

The Dairy Farm in The Desert
Saif Mohammed Al Midfa, Sheikh of the United Arab Emirates, asks Alessandro Cuomo to produce mozzarella in the desert instead of importing it.
An apparently impossible challenge which the competence and resourcefulness of Cuomo have turned into a plant that produces 600 kilos of mozzarella a day, made with fresh milk from Friesian cows bred in U.A.E
Consultancy, planning and realization … a complete plan that from an almost utopian ambition has been transformed into a concrete company with high quality standards.
In every part of the world, even the most improbable, the teachings and patents of Dr. Cuomo have arrived.
In the Philippines and in Africa to bring the Italian tradition
In the Philippines and in Africa he has held courses on the production of cured meats through traditional methods and systems. The choice of the raw material based on the peculiarities of the place, the recognition of the various types of cutting suitable for the various processes. Still the selection of machinery and ingredients such as salt and spices, up to the casings.
The term course is almost inappropriate. These are formative experiences rich in scientific and practical notions that have made Dr. Cuomo an ambassador of traditional food manufacture made in Italy.
Even today, after many years, these productions take place in these countries and in the world according to the traditional method patented by Dr. Cuomo.